Old windows terminal program
Old windows terminal program

If you are not happy about that, you can change it back to light or anything you like ( #13743)

  • To celebrate this, we've changed the default theme to Windows Dark.
  • Welcome to Terminal: Really Long Release Notes Edition! Features " context menu item should now show up and disappear more reliably ( #14048)
  • If you see any instances of OpenConsole.exe hanging around after you close a tab (or a whole Terminal), please let us know!.
  • Tabs should no longer take up to infinity seconds to close ( #14041).
  • It might still look a little bit like a ransom note, sorry.
  • old windows terminal program

  • You can once again use shaders for experimental.pixelShaderPath that are not technically perfect (that is, ones that compile with warnings) ( #13998) (thanks Some text (especially that which requires fake italics) should now look less like a RaNsOm nOtE ( #14039).
  • If you were to specify \e#3, we might have crashed before, but now we will not ( #13966).
  • No longer should there be streaks of cursor left all over the left side of the screen ( #14038).
  • old windows terminal program

    and if we did, we would no longer tell you about the error 10,000 times ( #13995) (thanks to and for testing!) On devices that don't support Shader Model 4.0 but do support DirectX 10, we will no longer try to use the glyph atlas ( #13994).

    old windows terminal program

    so now you can see them in their full glory! Some bitmap fonts require fractional point sizes. We have found that monospaced terminal fonts have a line gap of zero, and the ones that don't should.

  • As a side effect, we are now intentionally ignoring the typographic line gap.
  • Bitmap fonts should look much better now ( #14014).
  • If you're using the new text rendering engine plus the Terminus TTF font, you can now select a font size that perfectly matches a bitmap strike.
  • We've added support for fractional font sizes (surprise! on a point release!) ( #14013) ( #14040).
  • Terminal now understands the sizes of characters newly-added in Unicode 15.0 ( #14001).
  • old windows terminal program

    Here on this day of September 2022, we've quashed a number of bugs in the 1.16 preview release and added some new features to boot.

    Old windows terminal program